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  • AutorenbildKim

Month 1

Aktualisiert: 3. Nov. 2018


It’s crazy that more than a moth is already over! I slowly understand how school works here in the US and I’m working on getting into the cross country team to meet some Americans. Until now I know some other exchange students but only a few people from here.

After we came back from Disneyland I where at the baseball practice of the boys, I was at a shopping center with three exchange students, we also went with our moms to a escape room, the orientation took place, picture day at school, I was at the football game from my school team as a part of the marchingband, I ate much Mexican food(and I love it) and yesterday we where at Utah because my host parents ran a half marathon in Cedar City(respect!👏🏼). Then we went to Cedar Brakes National Monument and Zion National Park. It was very beautiful there! And at Cedar Brakes it was cold so we could escape the heat of the desert 🌵. As we walked at the trails at Zion there where at least 6 German groups. It was very weird!

This month was great even if the beginning as a bit hard.

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