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  • AutorenbildKim

First Quarter


Wow the time is running by soooo fast!

Friday is the end of the first quarter of the school year. CRAZY!

Since the last post we’ve been at LA. We where at the birthday party of the boy’s cousins. They celebrated at Dave and Buster’s the video game place. It was fun and we had a big, super tasty Ben & Jerry’s birthday cake. Birthday cakes here are different. Super sweet and a lot of frosting on it.

We stayed a bit at their house where we had great discussions about German words, European and American squirrels and is it’s better to run when it’s freezing or when it’s over 100 degrees outside. We laughed a lot!

The next day we went to Disneyland. Because it was the end of September they already had the park decorated with Halloween stuff. Even some of the rides where different. The haunted mansion for example was nightmare before Christmas themed.

Disneyland is always amazing but it’s hard when you have to go to school again and do all the makeup work for the things you missed.

On October 3 it rained the first time!

It was so refreshing and I really missed it. The next day I had a x-country race and it was so humid. But we only ran 2 miles (16 minutes).

Last Friday I went to my second football game. I still can’t do all of the songs we play during the football games because we don’t really practice it in class. This game we had a bunch of cheerleaders because a lot of little girls joined the cheerleaders.

At the weekend we went to the baseball games of the boys. It was the first cold day. Well it wasn’t that cold but since I’m used to the hot wether in the desert it feels much colder. It also was stormy and raining again. At the evening I went to Downtown Summerlin with two other exchange students. We found a cool store where I bought two Santa Cruz shirts. At the end of the day we ate at five guys. The veggie sandwich is so good and the fries too. We only ordered one small French fries but they put a lot mir in our bags. On Sunday my host mom and I went there again to buy a homecoming dress. I found one surprisingly fast but we stuck in the shoe store. We still had fun. After shopping we ate at lazy dog.

On Tuesday I went to my last race at desert breeze park. It was only a race for freshmen and sophomore students so I had to run with the varsity girls. We ran 4 miles and I almost died but I kept up with them.

Yesterday was my last practice because the season ends at the end of the quarter.

I really liked cross country even I never liked running before. It’s a big difference if you run alone or with many others. Especially at races it is so motivating.

I don’t know if I do a sport in winter season but I want to do either track or swimming in spring. My coach asked me to help manage the softball team in spring I have to see if I do that.

Maybe I go on a ski and snowboard trip in January. It is one day at place in Utah. I would have to buy some clothes for the snow but the trip is quite affordable.

This morning we woke up at 3:30 because our plane to Chicago took of at 6. We’ll stay there until Monday because we go to a wedding and see a bit of the city at the days before. I’m really excited about it! Gonna be great.

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